Super Bowl? More like Super Bo-ring Ads

by Bryant
February 10, 2021

This year’s Super Bowl could only be described as...ambivalent. The mere announcement of a Super Bowl was met with excitement for those eager to celebrate, and a dread for those who know what is to follow afterwards. For many families, the past year battered them financially, physically, mentally, and emotionally. 2020 also saw the death of many small businesses, careers, and livelihoods. To spend a day hailing corporate felt strange, hypocritical, & morbid, especially considering there were ~7,500 healthcare workers who attended the game, who would probably be working the next 2 weeks saving the lives of the other 14,000 or so people watching below them. Despite all the changes made this year, some things at Super Bowl LV remained the same, like a big halftime show, Tom Brady playing for another title, and of course, ads.