Keep It Curbside: Gen-Zs Doing Cool Sh*t

by Fran
March 18, 2021

Everyone can be Curbside. Not everyone can be Pigeon Gang. Pigeon Gang is C-team. What is C-team? C-team is HQ.

Confused? So was I.

Gia and I hopped onto a Zoom call at 7:00pm on a Sunday night. Not knowing what to expect, I was on the verge of shitting my pants - I mean, Curbside is a legendary group of people on the LMU campus. Before campus closed down, I’d hear murmurs of Look, it’s Curbside! as they walked past. Whether they were opening for T-Pain, setting up their art gallery, or simply in line at Starbucks, the small-shirt-big-pants-wearing wannabe art students and I looked on in awe.